💫 Vol. 4 Contributors 💫

Alexa Will (she/they) is a genre-defying writer whose work explores femme identity, polyamory, phenomenology, nature, and the uncanny. Hailing from Pittsburgh and currently living it up in the swampy St. Pete, Alexa is pursuing an MFA at The University of South Florida. You can find their writing on Substack.

substack.com/@alexawill // @alexa.will

Amanda Yskamp (she/her) is a writer and a collagist. Her artwork has appeared in such magazines as Black Rabbit, Riddled with Arrows, and Stoneboat. She is the poetry editor and frequent cover designer for WordRunner e-chapbooks. She lives on the 10-year flood plain of the Russian River, teaching writing from her online classroom and serving as a librarian at the local elementary school.

Andrea Maxine Recto (she/her) is a Spanish-Filipino poet living in Manila whose work explores the intricacies of womanhood, grief, love, darkness, and introspection. Her poetry has been featured in One Art: a journal of poetry, Rust & Moth, the Santa Clara Review, the Red Eft Review, and elsewhere, with more forthcoming in the Heimat Review and other places. When she's not writing, you can find her reading love letters in Spanish.


Annette C. Boehm (she/they) is a queer, Autistic writer based in Germany and the author of two poetry collections.


AR Quinlan is a former support provider for adult LGBTQ survivors of abuse. They currently manage a non-profit seeking to support survivors of abuse through legal change. They enjoy using art as a mindful and community-building activity. Beyond art, AR enjoys gardening, reading, and watching ducks.


Ash Lev (he/him) is a young writer and media artist from so-called Canada, currently studying at York University. Prominent themes in his work include gender, childhood, memory, and family. Ash's work often takes inspiration from his identity and experience as a nonbinary butch lesbian.


B. Montemayor (she/her) is a 20-something writer in the Philippines. When she's not busy reading or playing indie games, she's usually tinkering with her literary-leaning speculative fiction novels. Her heart remains enamored with poetry and thematic parallels.

narratoresque.wordpress.com // @b.mntmyr

BEE LB (they/them) is the facsimile of a living poet; a porcelain pierrot with a painted face. they collect champagne bottles, portraits of strange women, and diagnoses. they've been published in Dirt Child, G*Mob, MOODY, and Landfill, among others.


Brianna Cunliffe is an environmental justice activist, storyteller, and Pushcart-nominated poet. As a queer woman who grew up on a disintegrating coastline, her work explores fiercely loving our homes all through the falling apart and the reimagining. Recent work appears in Revolute, Vagabond City, Screen Door Review, Storm Cellar, and Reckoning Magazine.

briannacunliffe.com // @brie.cunliffe

buq Corvidae-Schulte (they/he) is a neurodivergent transmasculine artist in SE Portland. they express their thoughts and emotional truths through art to make sense of what they’re struggling with. It's a form of processing, and a way to speak to parts of themself that hide from their conscious mind. Incorporeal concepts that arise from lived experience, like memory and identity, come through in the work. buq has recently been generating art surrounding feral empathy and death.

emmalenaschulte.com // @saltbat

Calvin Jones (any pronouns) is a genderqueer New England student and writer who spends most of their time being afraid. Their work has been published or is upcoming in Stone of Madness Press, Vagabond City Lit, Aôthen Magazine, and elsewhere.


charlotte poe (they/them) is a nonbinary autistic author and poet.

charlottepoe.com // @poeisokay

Ciara Alfaro (she/her) is a Chicana writer, romantic, and descendant of magicians from Lubbock, Texas. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Best American Essays, Swamp Pink, Passages North, Southeast Review, Witness, and more. Currently, she serves as the 2024-25 Olive B. O’Connor Fellow at Colgate University.

ciaraalfaro.com // @ciaraalfaro

Claire McNerney (she/they) writes, creates, and performs in her home state of California. Their writing appears in Haven Spec, Los Suelos, and Sprawl Mag. She also guest edited the 50th issue of Eye to the Telescope. She enjoys, among other things, the moment right before a play starts when everything goes quiet.

linktr.ee/clairemcnerney // @o.h.c.l.a.i.r.e

Dorothy Lune (she/her) is a Yorta Yorta poet, born in Australia & a best of the net 2024 nominee. Her poems have appeared in Overland journal, Many Nice Donkeys & more. She runs the substack "Ladybug central".

dorothylune.substack.com // dorothylune.weebly.com

Erica-Ántonia Viola (she/her) lives in London via Nebraska. Her interests include wandering through graveyards, poetry, and history. These are her first published photos; her written work has included pieces in Exist Otherwise and Press II Press.

E. N. Díaz (they/them) is a bilingual poet, short story writer and translator. Their writings have appeared in Clarkesworld Magazine, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, BULL Magazine, Strange Horizons, Revista Casapais and others.

endiaazblog.wordpress.com // @endiaaz

Elias Acquista is a pierced teen boygirl from San Diego. He loves americanos from 24/7 coffee shops, 70s fashion, and mid-century modern interior design. He mostly just hopes his work will mean something to someone (who may then feel inspired to check his website).


Elizabeth R. McClellan (ka/kan) is a white disabled gender/queer neurospicy demisexual lesbian poet writing on unceded Quapaw and Chikshaka Yaki land near the mighty Mississippi. Kan work has appeared in countless venues including Strange Horizons and Nightmare Magazine. Ka is a 2024 Rhysling Award Finalist and past recipient of the Naked Girls Reading Literary Honors Award. In kan other life, ka is an attorney with many years of experience in domestic and sexual violence prevention and the creator of the MIA Memphis Lou Swain Memorial Fund.


Etienne Marquis is a Cornwall-based artist whose work delves into the twisted and visionary world of contemporary surrealism. It embodies a gateway between the physical realm and that of the mind. His work tells a story that flows through the shifted landscapes of his upbringing in the Channel Islands to his independence on the Cornish coast.

etiennemarquis.com // @etiennemarquis.art

Greta McGee (they/them) is a trans nonbinary Black American-Italian short story writer and collage artist on the Autism spectrum from New York City. Their work has been shown internationally in both online galleries, exhibitions, and publications. Highlights include The Holy Art gallery, the Van Der Plas Gallery, The Fulton Street Collective, and the Denver Quarterly.


Grey Traynor (they/she/he) is a transfemme, nonbinary writer who has been published in Time Out San Francisco, Beacon Quarterly, Gold Man Review (upcoming), Doubleback Review, and The Hooghly Review. They are currently querying a horror manuscript.


HR Harper is a writer living in the redwoods above Santa Cruz, California. A student of meditation and kenotic traditions, he writes to understand the nature of human consciousness in a natural world humans seem to be ignoring and destroying. He began to publish in 2021.


J.B. Kalf (he/him) is currently slipping on ice. He has been published or is forthcoming within Beaver Magazine, The Shore, Roi Faineant, Periwinkle Pelican, Hot Pot Magazine, #Ranger, and elsewhere. Prefers limes to lemons.


J.J. Carey (they/them) is a queer poet and writer in Leeds, UK. They were shortlisted for the inaugural 2024 Tempest Prize and are published or forthcoming in The Dionysian Public Library, Anarchist Fictions, Mobius Journal of Social Change and elsewhere.


James Roach (they/he) is a queer, trans, sober poet most creative between the hours of up-too-late and is it even worth going to bed? He currently lives in St. Louis.

linktr.ee/wordsmith18 // @the_jamesiest

Jamie Manias (they/them) is a poetry MFA candidate and instructor at Bowling Green State University, where they serve as an assistant editor to Mid-American Review. Their work has appeared or is forthcoming in Rat's Ass Review, Kingfisher, Apocalypse Confidential, and fruitslice, among other publications.


Jay Orlando (he/they) is a folk punk, Appalachian trans poet from Western Pennsylvania where he lives with his spouse and two roommates. When not writing, Jay enjoys karaoke, reading comic books, and attempting to herd his 4 cats. His debut poetry collection, A Tangled Lineage, is available now through Redhawk Publications.


This is more than expression or a way of being - Jaylene Cabrera's work forms to her thoughts, wrapping them around inner experiences to create a reflection of connection. By portraying overlooked spaces, portraiture, and abstraction, Cabrera expresses shared individuality. Disrupted spaces are revitalized with unrestrained marks in confrontational perspectives. Portraiture surfaces the depths of self. Abstraction is her underlying motive, challenging the possibilities within intuition and subconscious. This approach involves layering in painting or printmaking, where she uses reclaimed city debris as implements to apply media. The alternative tools Jaylene uses are chosen based on the piece's motive, evoking shared memories and emotional connections from space recollection and experiences. Each piece captures a moment tied to a place in time, person, or emotion, integrating techniques from various works into a cohesive whole.

jaylenenicole67.wixsite.com/website // @shreduptheart

Jen Kropinak (she/her) is a mother, writer and artist from Pittsburgh, PA. Jen’s past literary work has been featured or is forthcoming in Generation Magazine, Dionne’s Project, The Rebis, MEMEZINE, and elsewhere. Current themes in her work explore matrescence/parenthood, disability, transformative justice and our connection to place/time/the body.

momumonsters.com // @momumonsterszine

Jocelyn Vargas (she/her) is a recent graduate floating somewhere in the realm of a quarter-life crisis, and trying desperately to claw her way into a creative position. She hopes her inane shouts into the void inspires something in you.

jovargas.my.canva.site // @jocevariant

Joefel Bolo (they/he) is a queer writer from the Philippines. Their work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Harvard Advocate, ALOCASIA, fifth wheel press, beestung, and elsewhere.

Jonathan Fletcher (he/him) holds a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University School of the Arts. A Pushcart Prize nominee, he won Northwestern University Press’s Drinking Gourd Chapbook Poetry Prize contest in 2023, for which he will have his debut chapbook, This is My Body, published in 2025.


Jose Luis Pablo (they/them) or "Nico" is a communications manager and DEI coordinator for a non-profit. They love dim sum, "RuPaul's Drag Race," and their supportive partner & cat who live with them in Rizal, Philippines.

joseluisbpablo.wordpress.com // @pablolous

Josie Levin (she/him) is a visual artist and writer whose work has appeared in several publications, including storysouth, Plainsongs Poetry Magazine, and Denver Quarterly and was shortlisted for the 2023 Penrose Poetry Prize.

Julia Fennell (she/her) is a recent graduate from the University of Chicago studying visual arts. She is interested in themes of intimacy, memory, love, and connection.

juliafennell.com // @juliafennellart

L. Acadia (any pronouns) is a lit professor at National Taiwan University, dog pillow at home, and otherwise searching Taipei for urban hikes and ghosts. An alumna of Smith College and UC Berkeley, Taiwan Literature Base 2024–2025 Writer-in-Residence, and best-of-the-net-nominated member of the Taipei Poetry Collective, L. has poetry in JMWW, New Orleans Review, Strange Horizons, trampset, and elsewhere.


Laya Cooperman (she/her) is a self-taught collagist living in Oakland, CA. Driven by a fascination with coincidence, she uses materials found by happenstance. Her technique emphasizes composition and characters, and explores themes of relationships; perceived, projected, and protected identities; and transformation. Laya's work reflects her experiences of coming into queerness, with particular attention to the feminine and sapphic orientation. In addition to her individual work, Laya frequently participates in collaborative projects.


Lee Martínez Soto (they/ellx) is a published queer Mexican poet and translator. Their work centers on the complex tapestry of mental health, generational trauma, and the intrinsic relationship these elements share with our identities—specifically focusing on gender, dysphoria, and the transfronterize experience.

linktr.ee/cadaveres // @cadaveres_literarios

Leigh Doughty (he/him) is a poet and a language tutor from Lincoln, UK. His previously published work can be found in the Hooghly Review, A Thin Slice of Anxiety, and The Gorko Gazette.


Liam Strong (they/them) is a queer neurodivergent cripple punk writer who has earned their BA in writing from University of Wisconsin-Superior. They are the author of the chapbook Everyone's Left the Hometown Show (Bottlecap Press, 2023). You can find their poetry and essays in Vagabond City and new words {press}, among several others. They are most likely gardening and listening to Bitter Truth somewhere in Northern Michigan.

linktr.ee/liamstrong666 // @beanbie666

Lilith Aspect (she/they) is a visual artist whose work blends surrealism and dreamlike imagery with raw emotion. Exploring mystical and shadowy themes, Lilith’s photography often plays with light and texture, creating ethereal, immersive experiences. Femininity, transformation, and the supernatural are central to their art, inviting viewers into a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy fade.


Lizzy Yarwood (she/they) is currently writing her debut science-fantasy novel. She is the editor of illustrated sci-fi magazine Liquid Skies and has made two zines, supermarket and swimming pool zine. Lizzy co-runs a monthly writing series Stone to Silver and volunteers for Sand Journal. Her work has been published by Gilded Dirt, Genrepunk Mag, Lucy Writers, Spam Press and more. A small album water blister was released in September 2024.


Madeline Eileen Goolie (MEG) (she/her) is a printmaker/ multimedia artist from Anchorage, Alaska. She is studying at Washington State University in Pullman, WA working towards a Bachelor in Fine Art degree. She has been focused on printmaking specifically linoleum block relief prints.

madeline-goolie.squarespace.com // @meg_art_907

Mae Wilson (she/they) is a cartoonist, illustrator, and educator living in Santa Barbara, CA. When not making art she enjoys visiting museums, hanging out in graveyards, stargazing, and making vegan cheeses.

maewilsonstudios.com // @generalmaehem

Mags Kingston (she/her) is a poet and writer based out of Salt Lake City, Utah. Her works explore themes of otherness and queerness, often through a gothic and macabre lens but never without hope. Her work has appeared in journals such as Metaphor and Next Generation. When not writing, Mags can be found with her two dogs exploring the landscape of the West.


Matina Vossou (she/her) is a self-taught artist living in Athens, Greece. She uses acrylics and a toothpick, a technique she learnt from her father, a naïve painter. She paints faces like perfectly unfinished mosaics of emotions and ideas. The skin is cracked and seemingly illuminated from the inside. She believes that every face is a journey; looking at a face is one of the longest, most adventurous and knowledgeable trips one can have.

saatchiart.com/account/profile/1398719 // @matinavossou

Matthew Dawkins (he/him) is a Jamaican award-winning author and poet. His work explores subject matters including adolescence, race, nationhood, and mental health. Matthew was the 2022-2023 Student Writer in Residence at Western University where he graduated with a B.A. in Arts and Humanities and English Literature.

matthewdawkinswrites.com // @matthewd_writes

Megan Wolfkill (she/her) is a Cincinnati-based painter who contends with intimacy and identity in her work. She is the 2024-2025 Manifest Scholar-in-Resident, and holds an MFA in Studio Art from the University of Tennessee.

meganwolfkill.com // @_megwolf_dancer_

Muhammed Olowonjoyin [TPC III] (he/him) is a Nigerian poet. Winner of the 2023 The Dawn Prize for Poetry, his poems have featured or are forthcoming in Best Small Fictions, Ouch! Collective, Lucky Jefferson, Gutter Magazine, Pepper Coast Lit. Stanchion, Brittle Paper and Qwerty. He is a Best of The Net and Best Microfictions nominee.


Naomi Azriel (she/her) is a Bay Area poet, Jungian analyst and queer activist. Having had her heart broken by Israel/Palestine, from which she hails, she has been aiming to beam herself on a ray of dark matter into a wormhole between languages, between worlds, between the imaginary and the real. Her work was nominated for the Pushcart Prize and was published in Clackamas, Gone Lawn, Epoch, The Closed Eye Open and Unbroken.

naomiazrielpoetry.com // @naomiazriel_poet

Nathaniel Julien Brame (he/him) is a gay trans poet dividing his time between the Great Lakes and the Pacific Northwest as he pursues an English degree. His work has previously been published in Southern Oregon University's literary journal Main Squeeze. He is enthusiastic about analysis and affection in all their forms; he is a good listener; he is learning to identify moths.

Nic Elisa Hampton (they/them) is a queer, Filipinx-American interdisciplinary artist, based in San Francisco. Inspiration rises from their own lived experiences as a vessel on this planet, navigating the complexities of being human. Art allows them to alchemize anxiety and grief into something beautiful and healing. They hope to gift that to others – a safe space to feel the emotions that demand to be felt.


Odin Meadows (he/they) is a first-generation graduate with a BA in English from Yale University currently living and working in Central Illinois with his husband and two dogs, not too far from the rural town where he grew up. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Dark Holme’s Ethereal Nightmares, SFWG's Nightmare Fuel Anthology, Litmora, Breath & Shadow, and more.

Offor Chidera (he/they) is a polyvocal, multilingual writer whose creative works intersects haute couture, logic, individuality and environment. Their recent works are published in or forthcoming with Reckoning Press and White Cresset Arts Journal. They are a finalist for the 2024 NgEducators International Model United Nations Conference Poetry Competition and Ayn Rand Essay Contest in 2021.


Ronnie Barth (she/her) is an artist exploring the feelings of womanhood, frozen memories, and the creative pleasures of paint through her work. Her ethereal forms and subject matter act as a constant flirtation between discovery and concealment.

ronniebarth.com // @mageronnie

Rory O'Neill is a writer and artist based in Boston. Rory's plays have been produced in the Boston Theatre Marathon, by Fresh Ink Theatre Company, and by Silver Masque Theatre Company. Rory's writing can be found in The Good Life Review and Across The Margin. She's currently trying to write Hamlet.


Salem Paige (they/them) is a trans, genderfluid poet whose works revolve around the exploration of identity and discomfort through narrative universes where Nature and technology intertwine. Their works have appeared in their debut collection, The Third Self (2023) and chapbook to grow roots (2023), as well as more than a dozen literary magazines and a handful of poetry anthologies.

salempaige.com // @corpseofapoet

Shay B. Keats is a 25-year-old writer from the southeast coast of Australia, recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts and studying Honours in English Literature. She loves Gothic and speculative fiction, obsessively listens to Tool and Nine Inch Nails, has a Border Collie and three cats.


Skylar Camp (she/her) lives in Columbus, Ohio, with her two kids, her partner, and their fuzzy kitty. Her writing focuses on religious trauma, divorce, polyamory, queerness, parenting, and more. Her work appears in Queerlings, Anti-Heroin Chic, and Sky Island Journal.

skylarcamp.com // @skylarcampwrites

Sonia Chien (she/her) is a fiction writer, freelance journalist and editor based in Berlin, Germany. Her stories have been published in Topograph and The Worcester Review.


Starly Lou Riggs (xe/they/elu) is a queer agender visual artist, musician, and filmmaker residing between Juiz de Fora, Brazil and Portland, Oregon. A self-renowned freak, their work focuses on identity and world building, experimentally challenging the conventional. Working in a variety of mediums—photo, video, installation, etc.—their work is a process of playful exploration. Living inside dreamscapes, they create characters based on personal experience and surrealist fever dreams, blurring the bounds of reality as a way of rewriting norms, examining alternative perception, and reevaluating history while normalizing queer faces, spaces, and feelings.

filthyart.space // @get.filthy

Resident artist/curator of The Chroma Museum, an online site for artistic renderings of LGBTQI historical figures, organizations and allies predominantly before Stonewall, Stephen Mead (he/him) is a retiree whom, throughout all his pretty non-glamorous jobs still found time for writing poetry/essays and creating art. Occasionally he even got paid of this. Currently he is trying to sell his 40-year backlog of unsold art before he pops his cogs.

artworkarchive.com/profile/stephen-mead // @postcardsfromthedeep

Story Wilkes (she/her) is a tattoo and visual artist living in Oakland, CA. Her work is inspired by nature, the cycle of life and death, vintage illustrations, and celestial bodies. While tattooing, Story seeks to create designs that compliment the unique shapes of each client’s body and create an uplifting and comfortable experience for all.

storytattoos.com // @story.ink

Subhaga Crystal Bacon (they/them) is a Queer elder living in rural Washington on unceded Methow land. They are the author of four collections of poetry including the Lambda Literary Award Finalist Transitory, from BOA Editions, and Surrender of Water in Hidden Places, Red Flag Poetry, 2022, re-released in an extended edition in the summer of 2024.

subhagacrystalbacon.com // @beingsubhaga

T.C. Ray (he/they) is an autistic, nonbinary writer based in South Korea. His work has appeared recently in Boulevard, CRAFT, and Southeast Review, among other publications. He draws comics for ONLY POEMS.

youtube.com/@autisticbooktube // @iamsitting

Talicha J. (she/her) is a Black queer poet and freelance teaching artist. She has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and is a Collaborating Fellow at The Poetry Lab. She is the author of “Falling in Love with Picking Myself Up” (2015). Her chapbook, “Taking Back the Body,” is now out with Beyond the Veil Press (2024). Talicha J. facilitates monthly generative workshops online. Her work can be found on the Button Poetry YouTube channel and in several literary journals.

talichajpoetry.com // @talichajpoetry

Thomas Whittaker (they/she) is a writer of poems from South London. They write from a queer Marxist perspective about alienation under capitalism in the urban environment. Current influences include the writing of Nanni Balestrini, season 4 of The Wire and the music of Godspeed You! Black Emperor. She enjoys using obtuse basketball references in her work. They have been published by Passion of the Weiss, Impossible Archetype, Corporeal and Blow Up Britain among others.


Thorns Kyle (he/they) is a poet from Western Nigeria. He writes confessional poetry and political poetry. His poems are forthcoming with Ghudsavar, many worlds, World Voices, Kaleidotrope, Praxis Magazine, Lunaris and elsewhere.


Will Harris (any pronouns) is a queer non-binary poet and organizer based in San Diego, CA. He is currently pursuing his Bachelor's degree in English from San Diego State University and concurrently attending the excellent Grossmont Community College. His work has been published by Fifth Wheel Press and Tiny Wren Lit. They can be found eating poke bowls on good days and doing improv on bad ones.


Xiao Faria daCunha (she/her) is a practicing artist, independent curator, and art journalist based in Kansas City, MO. She is a self-taught artist with a minor in Studio Art and a B.A. in English Creative Writing. Xiao creates works on paper integrating traditional techniques inherited from her Chinese background, including knotting, embroidery, carving, and calligraphy, as well as modern techniques such as collagraph, mixed media collaging, typesetting, and new media. Her practice embraces new ideas and conversations but is always well-fertilized by her heritage. Xiao considers her art a form of art journalism and her means to explore and redefine her identity as a Chinese diaspora, a BIPOC woman, and an interdisciplinary artist. Her work has been exhibited regionally and nationally.

xiaochineseart.com // @xiaochineseart

Yuji Lee (they/them) is a visual artist based in Canada, working in multiple mediums with a focus on drawing. Their practice primarily explores alternative ways of being, the complexities of inhabiting physical form, and the unconventional beauty of the so-called “other”. Yuji holds a bachelor's degree in visual arts and has completed several residencies/mentorships. Their work has been exhibited and published across Turtle Island.


Yunyi Ji (he/him) is a Chinese-American keyboardist, illustrator, and poet who is equally restless in his pursuit of beauty as he is with his commitment to medium. His poetry explores the secret wisdom of the mundane for personal and societal reflection. He draws inspiration upon his personal life, the collected lives of histories, the imagined lives of the inanimate and unknown, and his most recent snack.

yunyiji.com // @yunyiverse

Zachary DelFavero (he/they) is a trans artist with a BFA in printmaking and a passion for painting. He's always changing and developing his art style and the themes he explores, but anthropomorphism and nature are always a common thread. He and his wife own an art supply store where they both work together to create a welcoming safe space for queer creatives. Their cats run their lives.


(featured image by Megan Wolfkill)